Where are you located?
We are located in Lindon, Utah. We currently only sell online and do not have a retail establishment.
What type of shipping do you offer?
We currently work with USPS and ship everywhere in the USA. Standard shipping takes 1-4 days depending on your location. We currently do not offer express shipping.
When will my order ship out?
Order processing takes 1-2 business days. Once shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation via email or text (if requested) with all your tracking information.
Can orders be canceled?
If your order has not been processed and would like to request a cancelation please email us at support@urbanjungleusa.net to request a cancelation. Refunds can take up to 3-5 days to show up on your credit card or bank.
How do I return or exchange a product?
Please see our return and exchange page here.